Not only the price,
but also what's on

More reasons to enquire, more reasons to book


Target Individual Dates

Only students staying all year need a full year's calendar. Most language courses are a lot shorter, and what students (and parents, and agents) really want to know is what's on during their planned stay. CourseEventer™ provides this targeted information.

Provide Enriched Quotes

A student wanting a price is hot - and with CoursePricer they get a price quickly, neatly and comprehensively. This is also a great moment to demonstrate value and to introduce students to the scheduled events and activities they can look forward to. CourseEventer automatically enriches the price quote with event data, adding more reasons to enquire, more reasons to book.

sample screenshot


  • Unlimited events - academic, social, sporting, cultural - add any event at any time
  • Unlimited detail for each, with optional hyperlink to more information
  • Every listed event includes its own enquiry link for maximal lead generation
  • Student's quote will include all - and only - events scheduled for his/her study period
  • Add events now, log in and go!

Send Your Enquiry Now

An International Education Connect Ltd service


Phone: (+44) 1328 856270


International Education Connect Ltd registered in England no. 2446924